High Wood, Liskeard

Protect Earth is incredibly proud to be the stewards of this beautiful ancient woodland. Together with the help from the local community we hope to restore this woodland back to its former glory, as a temperate rainforest, bringing back the wildlife that has been clinging to the edges around all of the non-native conifers and destructive commercial forestry practices.

Help us restore your local woodland

In order for High Wood to reach its full potential for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and the community, there is lots of work to be done. We’ve started regular work parties to achieve some of these goals, everything from improving access, installing bird boxes and benches, and fighting invasive species.

They will be on the 3rd weekend of every month, alternating Sundays and Saturdays, meeting at 10am, initially by the picnic bench on the main track.

What’re we doing at High Wood?

High Wood is an ancient woodland that's been repeatedly clear felled since the 1960s, and doesn't have a single ancient tree. A lot of it looks like this thanks to these non-native conifers dumping acid into the soil and preventing anything else from growing there.

The bigger plans for High Wood will take some time. We’ll need to take down some of the non-native conifers to make room for the native saplings to recolonise the woods, which will mean more native wildlife, more woodland flowers, fungi, and lichens, but in the mean time we’d love to make it a nicer place to be for humans too.

In November 2022, the Forestry Commission granted approval to restore High Wood to a temperate rainforest. A number of conifers can now be taken down, used as mulch for the natural regeneration and species reintroduction we plan to start this current Winter, bringing in tree species that are just not in the area but should be.

As a result, we hope to return all of the 64 acres to a state of temperate rainforest, over time. Wildlife, carbon sequestration, and community involvement, are all about to go through the roof.

To help us get there, please donate whatever you can spare.

High Wood Work Parties Schedule

Saturday, 15th June

  • Install oak benches if ground is suitable

  • Finish installing dormouse and owl boxes if not completed last time

Sunday, 21st July

  • Put in trail marker signs along paths to keep cyclists, walkers and horse riders safe

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